NSA Michigan is proud to share and celebrate our past and present members who have given Ted and TedX Talks. If you're a chapter member and would like to have your talk included on this page, please send your video link to amy@nsamichigan.org
Jacob Brown - Redesigned Brands: Redesigned Life
Princess Castleberry - You Can Break Bad Agreements
Shannon Cohen - The Astronaut, Beautician, and Kmart Slush Machine Worker
Paula Ruffin - Action is the Silver Bullet for Health
Michelle Silverthorn - We Are Not a Melting Pot
Michael Spehn - Deciding to Love
Lee Thomas - How I Help People Understand Vitiligo
Ben Whiting - Connect Like a Mind Reader
NSA Michigan is a legal entity separate and distinct from NSA and is not entitled to act on behalf of or to bind NSA, contractually or otherwise.